Updated: Gaming PC for 30,000 Pesos
Someone requested an update on this guide so here it is. Once again I must say that I am not too familiar with ATI or AMD as such most of this will revolve around Intel and NVIDIA combinations. That doesn't mean to say that ATI or AMD is any less. You can create something similar or maybe even better. So let's start.
[![](http://supermekanismo.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/motherboard2.jpg?w=199)](http://supermekanismo.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/motherboard2.jpg) |
[Source](http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Motherboard.JPG) |
Graphics Card:
Most of what I've written before is still applicable so you can read that here. I will put some videocards here along with the price. So pic one according to you're preferred budget.
- Nvidia GT220 Price: 2,200
- Nvidia GT440 Price: 3,100
- Nvidia GT250 Price: 3,800
- Nvidia GT450 Price: 4,700
[![](http://supermekanismo.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/vidcard2.png?w=300)](http://supermekanismo.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/vidcard2.png) |
[Full Size Image](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13982581/Blog/vidcard.png) |
[![](http://supermekanismo.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/hdd2.jpg?w=300)](http://supermekanismo.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/hdd2.jpg) |
[Source](http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&redirs=1&search=harddrive&fulltext=Search&ns0=1&ns6=1&ns12=1&ns14=1&ns100=1&ns106=1&uselang=en "Special%3ASearch&redirs=1&search=harddrive&fulltext=Search&ns0=1&ns6=1&ns12=1&ns14=1&ns100=1&ns106=1&uselang=en") |
Seriously, everything is so cheap after a few months. I will just give a guide on the screen size relative to the price. You really can't go wrong with a bigger monitor though. You can be more productive with a bigger monitor as it's easier to multi-task or just having a lot of space to place a couple of word documents or browser windows perhaps. For brand, it's up to you as long as it's a big company not some unknown brand. Get the biggest your budget allows.
- 19" 4,500
- 21" 6,100
- 22" 8,000
- 23" 9,000
- 24" 10,000
Other Components
It's mostly up to you on this one. I would recommend getting a branded power supply from a notable brand like Antec, CoolerMaster, ThermalTake but it's around 1,300-2,000 for 350-400w. For other stuff like keyboard and mouse it's also up to you but please do spend on something ergonomic and comfortable. A4Tech has some pretty decent "gaming" mice for 700 which has a high dpi (for precision) and more importantly very comfortable. For casing, anything will do. Cheap cases range from 1,100-1,500 and "Branded" ones start from 2,000-3,000 to infinity. Upon searching I saw that thermaltake a casing for 2,000 which looks pretty good. Oh yeah I forgot a dvd drive. You need that one too. A diskette drive? I sure hope not.
Branded PSU: 1,500 (if you so choose)
KB/M: 0-1,000 (you can get a normal one if you haggle)
Case: 1,200
DVD Drive: 900
[![](http://supermekanismo.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/gamingpc2.jpg?w=300)](http://supermekanismo.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/gamingpc2.jpg) |
[Source](http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=gaming+computer "Special%3ASearch&search=gaming+computer") |
- Processor: 5,100
- Motherboard: 2,600
- Graphics: 2,200
- Memory: 1,200
- HDD: 2,000
- Monitor: 4,500
- Case: 1,200
- DVD drive: 900
Total: 19,700
Hey not bad for less than 20,000 you get Core i3 3.1Ghz, 4GB ram, 500GB HDD, and a decent low end graphics card.
MidRange Expensive Budget PC (ironic right?)
- Processor: 5,100
- Motherboard: 3,300
- Graphics: *
- Memory: 2,200
- HDD: 3,000
- Monitor: *
- Case: 2,000
- PSU:
- DVD Drive: 900
- KB/M: 1,000
SubTotal: 19,200
Graphics card: 3,100/3,800/4,700
Monitor: 6,100/8,000
Total: (3,100+6,100) 28,400
Total: (3,800+6,100) 29,100
Total: (3,100+8,000) 30,300
Okay so maybe the 4,700 goes over budget too much. But anyway there you have it. A complete gaming PC for 30,000 pesos