
Nervousness. Excitement. Pressured. Determined. Surely, much much more.
In a matter of days, I'm off to start a new journey and a new chapter in my life. Today, I leave the comforts of my an old home in search for the next adventure. Today, I'm off.
It's been a wonderful ride. Coming into my first work with idealism and energy. Continuously jumping into the fire, I've listened, learned and experienced many number of situations that helped shape who I am today. There's been a great deal of opportunities I was lucky to be part of. Coming out of it, I feel that I've grown a lot and also much more grounded into what I know and the vast knowledge that I seek ahead.
As is with moving on, there are people I will never forget. A list too long to state. Their patience, support, leadership and knowledge has been instrumental to my growth. There was never a better moment than working with many fantastic people and successfully delivering the many things we did. To you, I say a heartfelt "Thank you".
Truly, it's been a great many years.
Tomorrow, the next phase, the next challenge and the next chapter in this journey starts but for today it is a moment to say thanks and adieu.